May that which is still 
be that in which your mind delights.

rose bud
Be Still And Know
Stillness, a sense of the unchanging, is all around, and at different levels. Look for it, explore its effects on you, and let it sink in.
Rick Hanson Just One Thing
I am participating in Nurturing Thursday

Frequent Contributors to
Nurturing Thursday:

Tea and Paper
Pocket Perspectives
Jacqueline King
Crowing Crone Joss
Inside the Mind of Isadora
Meg Evans
Bowl of Cherries
Laurie’s Gentle Healing Notes

Here it is Monday and I would like to enter this rose close up image and and quote to Lens and Pens Macro Challenge.

15 thoughts

  1. Wonderful! I just read Rick Hanson’s “Stillness” Just One Thing weekly email…it’s really wonderful, too! Ahhhhhh…stillness…moments of stillness seem like such a miracle. But really, all I need to do is look at that lovely rose photo and stillness arrives, at least for a few moments, if I let it sink in…”be still and know….”


    1. Yes, the rose photo is just right for this post — it left me feeling like I could just sink quietly into the petals and leave all my worries to float away on the breeze. 🙂


  2. It’s great to watch a rose over time from the bud until it is fully open. There is something special about a rose. Have always enjoyed them. A beautiful picure Carol.



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